
Kindergarten 2 online
Kindergarten 2 online

kindergarten 2 online

Perform addition and subtraction with regrouping - Perform addition and subtraction without renaming - Name and use days of the week and months of the year in sequence - Continue to associate events with time-related concepts, e.g. TERM 1 - UNIT 1 Continue to use pictographs to represent information - Continue to classify objects and numbers into groups or sets up to 20 write numerals, read and write numbers names up to 20 - Continue to use number patterns to solve problems - Count by ones (1) and twos (2) up to twenty (20) - Make sets of and bundle materials in groups of 2, 5 and 10 - Continue to use drawings to show, model and solve problems - Create and write simple mathematical sentences and understand their meaning - Continue to use ordinal numbers 1st to 5th - Use symbols to show comparison (equal, less than, greater than) - Use the number line appropriately for activities that include comparing numbers, sequencing numbers, and skip counting - Combine and partition sets to solve problems - Make sets using pictures and objects up to 20 - Identify and name shapes, including circle, triangle, star, square, rectangle, oval and heart, using templates for creating patterns and pictures - Classify 2-D shapes and 3-D objects - Begin to construct and interpret simple pictographs/ bar graphs related to themes and own experiences.

Kindergarten 2 online